
Generator Paralleling Systems

Generator Paralleling Systems are used to synchronize multiple generators to form a larger capacity power source providing 100% power redundancy as well as maximizing fuel efficiency. Generator paralleling systems can also be used for utility power-grid co-generation.


Parallel-Ready Rental Generators

Choon Huat Engineering has an extensive fleet of parallel-ready generators available for rental. We have the equipment and expertise to accommodate virtually any configuration and power requirement.

Our paralleling systems use Deepsea controllers; the most advanced and reliable paralleling control-technology available. These intelligent controllers can be used to remotely configure, control and monitor all connected generators. A single system can auto-start and synchronize up to 30 generators. 


Choon Huat Engineering Technical Team

In every rental of generator paralleling system, we include complimentary consultation and configuration services. As experts in the design of paralleling systems we are able to support our customers with highly responsive end-to-end service and help them address their specific challenges.

Common FAQ

Is it necessary for backup power?

Interruptions of electrical power, even for a short duration, can introduce the potential for situations that could imperil public health and safety. Extreme weather-related disasters often disrupt power to hundreds or thousands of people and businesses, potentially for days. When these situations occur, they call attention to the vulnerability of the nation’s electrical grid and the importance of alternatives. Hospitals, airports, data centers, water and sewage facilities, fueling stations, communication, and transportation systems require alternate-power sources to limit the impact and ultimately save lives during times of crisis. The loss of electrical power due to storms, natural disasters, or high-power-demand issues are increasingly common. The loss of business and the associated economic impact from power outages are significant. Emergency generators are necessary to provide the reliable power required to maintain operations during primary supply system failures. 

Why diesel-powered generators are used?

Diesel-powered generators are considered among the most reliable approaches to providing backup power. When compared with alternative fuels and technologies, diesel-powered generators provide a steady supply of high-quality power and superior performance for transient or fluctuating power demands due to the high-torque characteristics of diesel engines. Many international building codes and standards effectively require diesel generators for code compliance because of the need for rapid response time, load-carrying capacity, fuel supply and availability, and reliability. One of the most important and unique features of diesel-powered generators, as compared with other technologies, is quick response time and block-loading capability within seconds of normal source-power failure.

What are the benefits of parallel power-generation systems?

Paralleling multiple sources provides increased reliability, flexibility in load management, and maintenance capabilities with little to no disruption. Multiple generators paralleled to a common bus can better serve emergency and business critical loads, particularly for system response time and dynamic load response once in operation. However, more complex, parallel generator standby systems have significant advantages with respect to reliability and redundancy. These advantages include redundancy, efficiency, expandability, and ease of maintenance and serviceability.

Redundancy: The redundancy inherent in the parallel operation of multiple generators provides greater reliability than a single generator unit for critical loads. If one unit fails, the backup loads are redistributed among other generators in the system on a priority basis. In many environments, the emergency loads that need the highest degree of reliable backup power usually account for only a fraction of the overall power generated by the system. In a parallel system, this means that most emergency elements will have the redundancy necessary to maintain power even if one of the units goes out. If an N+1 configuration is adopted, one generator can be offline for maintenance while serving the required loads. Furthermore, providing a running spare, an N+1 generator configuration will increase the reliability of the generator system from 98% to 99.96% reliability.

One of the primary purposes of redundancy is to eliminate single points of failure. The objective is to remove the single points of failure, and caution must be exercised to ensure they are not simply moved to another part of the system. The controls enabling redundancy must also be analyzed to avoid failure modes that compromise reliability. For example, paralleled generator sets that rely on a single master control for signals to start and close to a paralleled bus actually replace one failure point with two, as the master control and the communication link between the master and the generator sets each represent single points of failure. A well-engineered paralleling system will have dual hot-backup control systems, redundant communication pathways, redundant best battery select dc power supplies, multiple breakers, multiple power pathways, and a well-documented procedure for system recovery whenever a component fails.

Efficiency: A more efficient system provides more stability and reduces cost and losses. Loads do not remain at a constant level in most installations. Variations in power demand can cause a single larger generator to run at loads of less than 30% of capacity, which could cause wet stacking. The optimum operational point for prime movers is between 75% and 80% of its rated value. At this point, the generator will be at its maximum efficiency. Fuel and maintenance costs will also be reduced. The paralleling control system can be equipped with a generator load control that can add and remove generators in response to the actual load/demand of the system. This functionality is enabled by a generator removal time delay, which can initiate generators being removed from the bus as a function of the acceptable generator percentage loading selected by the operator. If the load changes and demand reach 90% of running capacity, for example, an additional generator can be started, synchronized, and paralleled to the bus with no time delay. 

Expandability: When sizing generators to match system load requirements, it is often difficult to accurately project increases in load and adequately plan for unanticipated additional requirements. If load projections are aggressive, the initial investment in a generator may be higher than necessary. On the other hand, if load projections are inadequate, reliable standby power may be compromised or expensive post-installation system upgrades may be required. Parallel systems offer a level of scalability and modularity that allows for variations in load over time and optimum operation of the installed units. If physical space planning is executed appropriately, generators can be added for additional power supply when required.

Ease of maintenance and serviceability: In an N+1 paralleled generator system, if a generator in the system fails or requires maintenance, individual units can be dismantled and serviced without disrupting the function of the remaining units. Furthermore, the redundancy inherent in a parallel system provides multiple layers of protection and ensures an uninterrupted supply of power for critical circuits.

It is important to match all of the new paralleled system generators with the same manufacturer, ratings, and type. When modifying an existing system, matching the existing generator manufacturer, type, pitch, and ratings is highly preferred. This matching will avoid load sharing issues between the generators. Moreover, standardizing on one model type will also enhance maintenance and simplify operations of the generator system. 



LED Lighting Tower

If you’re using your lights for one-day or weekend events, the runtime might not be that important, but on a construction site you might want a more efficient model to save on fuel costs and stop you from having to refuel as often.

A standard diesel-powered lighting tower with metal halide lamps will generally have a shorter runtime and requires higher diesel consumption. 

In comparison, LED lighting towers often offer longer runtimes as well, as these bulbs require less power.

Also, LED lamps offer extra durability compare to metal halide, the expected lifetime is more than 30,000 working hours. Therefore, for extreme environments or heavy duty use, for example in construction, LED is the recommended choice as it provides enhanced coverage, reduced fuel consumption and extended running hours.

Choon Huat’s model PL4/40L – 400 watts x 4 LED bulbs offer a 50% increase in fuel capacity and runtime, delivering additional hours of operation compared to standard models.