Check out our Brand New Generator 600kva with synchronizing capability to support zero down time for customer’s influent pumping station at Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (TWRP)!
All our diesel generators are NEA-Approved & comply with Singapore’s emission standard for off-road diesel engine, installed with enhancement features to protect against common site management issues such as diesel mix with water & air lock.
New Features
– Built-in spill containment
– Large fuel tank capacity 1500L
What’s there at TUAS?

PUB: The advanced Tuas WRP will receive used water flows from the western part of Singapore by gravity via two separate deep tunnels – a tunnel to convey domestic (municipal) used water and another to convey high-strength industrial used water. These two sources of used water will be treated separately.


Domestic used water will be treated at a 650,000m3/day (or 143 mgd) module and then further purified to NEWater, while industrial used water will be treated at a 150,000m3/day (or 33mgd) module to become industrial water and sent back to industries for reuse. ​

Continue reading “Tuas Water Reclamation Plant: Delivery of Brand New 600KVA Generators”

Getting a generator that can meet all of your power generation needs is one of the most critical aspects of the purchase or rental decision.

Whether you are interested in the main power supply or the backup power supply, if your new generator does not meet your specific requirements, it will be of no benefit to anyone as it will cause undue stress or even equipment damage along with the devices connected to it.

Unfortunately, accurately determining the size of the generator to obtain is often very difficult and involves many factors and considerations.

Continue reading “Finding out what Generator Size is suitable for your needs.”